From your account, you will be able to reconnect at any time and enter additional wines.
To validate your entry, the following documents must be provided (file formats .pdf, .jpg, ...):
For the European Union (indicating your intra-Community VAT number) and for non-EU countries :
1 sample: €120
2 samples: €240
3 samples: €342
4 samples: €456
5 samples: € 570
6 samples: €648
7 samples: €756
8 samples: €864
9 samples: €972
10 samples: €1020
Additional samples will be charged: €102
Each sample must arrive before the deadline stipulated on the competition website at l'Entrepôt - CIVR - 19 Avenue de Grande Bretagne - BP 649 - 66006 Perpignan Cedex - France - Tel: 0033 4 68 51 21 22.
Delivery times, Monday to Friday, 8.15am to 12.30pm and 1.45pm to 5pm.
Shipment is made at the participant's expense and risk (postage, customs and taxes to be paid by the sender). Any sample sent postage due will be refused. Any non-compliant sample will not be returned. All samples remain the property of the organiser. The choice of carrier is at the discretion of the participant.
For wines from outside the European Union, please contact us to arrange transport:
Spanish wines should be addressed to the Consejo Reguador de la DO Cariñena, details are available by changing the language of this website to Spanish or Catalan.
Sardinian wines have a reception service organised on site in Sardinia, details are available by changing the language of this website to Italian.
If you encounter any difficulties, please let us know: